News & Press
Winegrower of the year 2015
For his work, Anton Bauer was honored on September 3, 2014 the "Winegrower of the Year" in the "Innkeeper Austria". Klaus Egle, together with Renate Wagner-Wittula and Elisabeth Egle Editor of the Gastro-Guide, has known the Feuersbrunner and its wines for many years: "Toni Bauer has built up his winery almost from scratch, creating outstanding wines from completely opposite 'worlds' and Year after year delivers top quality for both white and red wines. Hats off!"

Der Weinverkauf im Weingut Anton Bauer ist weiterhin aufrecht. Terminvereinbarungen für Verkostungen gerne gegen telef. Voranmeldung ! Weinbestellungen gerne per e-mail unter office@antonbauer.at oder telefonisch unter +43/2738/2556